Talk for Carnegie Mellon University


Bayesian Optimization

 via the

Pandora's Box Gittins Index

Alexander Terenin · @avt_im

Bayesian Optimization

Automatic explore-exploit tradeoff

Bayesian Optimization

Goal: minimize unknown function $\phi$ in as few evaluations as possible

  1. Build posterior $f \given y$ using data $(x_1,\phi(x_1)),..,(x_n,\phi(x_n))$
  2. Choose $$ \htmlClass{fragment}{ x_{n+1} = \argmax_{x\in\c{X}} \alpha_{f\given y}(x) } $$ using the acquisition function $\alpha_{f\given y}$, built from the posterior

Principle of Separation: prediction and decision

Gaussian Processes

Probabilistic formulation provides uncertainty

Extrapolation and Uncertainty

Neural network baseline

Extrapolation and Uncertainty

Gaussian process: squared exponential kernel

Extrapolation and Uncertainty

Gaussian process: polynomial kernel

Extrapolation and Uncertainty

Neural network ensemble

Extrapolation and Uncertainty

Gaussian process: stationary kernel

Gaussian process: polynomial kernel


Models allow us to engineer different uncertainty behavior

For more on this, check out my UAI tutorial

How can we engineer different decision-making behavior?

Thompson Sampling

Same model, different decisions, similar performance

What about other settings?

Example Setting: Function Networks for Molecule Design

continuous representation candidate peptide computational descriptors activity via experiment

Use Bayesian optimization to find good candidates in generative model's latent space

Challenge: multi-stage evaluation with partial feedback



  • Uncertainty and generalization
  • Symmetries and geometry
  • Smoothness and non-uniformity
  • Causal information


  • Multi-stage feedback
  • Scheduling and asynchronicity
  • What kind of uncertainty is needed?
  • Adversarial objectives
  • Theoretical guarantees and empirical performance

If we succeed...

If we succeed...

Explore-exploit tradeoffs: a key difficulty in reinforcement learning

If we succeed...

Today's most impressive systems: a combination of learning and search

Search and decision: less appreciated side of Rich Sutton's Bitter Lesson

AlphaGo and AlphaProof: discrete - tree search

If we succeed...

Machine learning: predicted antibiotic activity in halicin, prev. studied for diabetes

Shown in mice to have broad-spectrum antibiotic activity

Figure and results: Stokes et al. (Cell, 2020)

Challenges: Angles of Attack

To understand decision, we should pursue every viable angle of attack

The Pandora's Box Gittins Index:

a new acquisition function design principle

Joint work with Qian Xie, Raul Astudillo, Peter Frazier, and Ziv Scully

Cost-aware Bayesian Optimization

Goal: minimize unknown function $\phi$ in as few evaluations as possible

  • $\phi$: drawn randomly from the prior
  • $c(x_t)$: cost of getting new data point, expected budget constraint


  1. Build posterior $f \given y$ using data $(x_1,\phi(x_1)),..,(x_t,\phi(x_t))$
  2. Find optimum of acquisition function $\alpha_{f\given y}$ and evaluate $\phi$ at $$ \htmlClass{fragment}{ x_{t+1} = \argmax_{x\in\c{X}} \alpha_{f\given y}(x) } $$

Optimal choice $x_{t+1}$ and when to stop: intractable dynamic program

Expected improvement per unit cost

Cost-aware baseline: expected improvement per unit cost $$ \begin{aligned} \htmlClass{fragment}{ \alpha_{t}^{\f{EIPC}}(x) } & \htmlClass{fragment}{ = \frac{\f{EI}_{f\given y_1,..,y_t}(x; \max_{1\leq\tau\leq t} y_\tau)}{c(x)} } & \htmlClass{fragment}{ \f{EI}_\psi(x; y) } & \htmlClass{fragment}{ = \E \max(0, \psi(x) - y) } \end{aligned} $$

Invariant to multiplying costs by a scalar: do we want this behavior?

Cost-aware analog of expected improvement:

  • Expected improvement: derived in non-cost-aware setting via one-step approximation to intractable dynamic program

What if I told you this dynamic program can sometimes be solved exactly?

Cost-aware Bayesian Optimization: a simplified setting


  • Cost-per-sample problem: algorithm decides when to stop
  • Reward once stopped: best observed point (simple regret)
  • Distribution over objective functions is known
  • $X$ is discrete, $f(x_i)$ and $f(x_j)$ for $x_i \neq x_j$ are independent

These are restrictive! But they lead to an interesting, general solution

This setting: Pandora's Box problem from economics

Whether to open Pandora's Box?

Solving Pandora's Box

Consider: one closed vs. one open box

Should we open the closed box? Maybe!

Depends on costs $c$, reward distribution $f$, and value of open box $g$

Consider: one closed vs. one open box

One closed vs. open box: Markov decision process

Optimal policy: open if $\f{EI}_f(x; g) \gt c(x)$

Consider: one closed vs. one open box

Consider how optimal policy changes as a function of $g$

If both opening and not opening is optimal: $g$ is a fair price

Define: $\alpha^\star_t(x) = g$ where $g$ solves $\f{EI}_f(x; g) = c(x)$

Solution: Gittins Index

Theorem (Weitzman, 1979). Let:

  • $X$ be a finite set,
  • $f : X \to \R$ be a finite-mean random function for which $f(x)$ is independent of $f(x')$ for $x \neq x'$,
  • $c : X \to \R_+$, without loss of generality, be deterministic.

Then, for the cost-per-sample problem, the policy defined by maximizing the Gittins index acquisition function $\alpha^\star$ with its associated stopping rule is Bayesian-optimal.

Expected Budget-constrained vs. Cost-per-sample

Gittins index $\alpha^\star$: optimal for cost-per-sample problem

  • What about expected budget-constrained problem?

Theorem. Assume the expected budget constraint is feasible and active. Then there exists a $\lambda \gt 0$ and a tie-breaking rule such that the policy defined by maximizing the Gittins index acquisition function $\alpha^\star(\.)$, defined using costs $\lambda c(x)$, is Bayesian-optimal.

Proof idea: Lagrangian duality

Our work: extends special case of a result of Aminian et al. (2024) to non-discrete reward distributions

Pandora's Box Gittins Index for Bayesian Optimization

Bayesian optimization: posterior distribution is correlated

Define Pandora's Box Gittins Index acquisition function:

$\alpha^{\f{PBGI}}(x) = g$ where $g$ solves $\f{EI}_{f\given y}(x; g) = c(x)$

Correlations: incorporated into acquisition function via the posterior

Effect of cost-per-sample hyperparameter

$\lambda$: controls risk-averse vs. risk-seeking behavior

Limit as $\lambda\to0$: converges to UCB with automatic learning rate

Can we outperform expected improvement per unit cost?

Counterexample: random objective with high-variance high-cost region

Pandora's Box Gittins Index: still performs well



: Bayesian Regret

Objective functions: sampled from the prior

Synthetic Benchmark Functions

Ackley function

Levy function

Rosenbrock function

Synthetic Benchmark Functions

Empirical Objectives


Novel acquisition function: Pandora's Box Gittins Index

  • Settings: expected budget-constrained and cost-per-sample
  • Works in heterogeneous-cost setting and for uniform costs
  • Closely-related to both expected improvement and UCB
  • Exact optimality in simplified problem: orthogonal insights

Performance of Pandora's Box Gittins Index

  • Sufficiently-easy low-dim. problems: comparable to baselines
  • Too-difficult high-dim. problems: similar to random search
  • Medium-hard problems of moderate dim.: strong performance
  • Can compete with state-of-the-art non-myopic approaches

Gittins Index Theory

What can 

Gittins Index Theory


Gittins Index Theory

  • Workhorse tool in queuing theory
  • Minimize expected wait time: serve short jobs first

Bayesian Optimization: high-dimension and complex feedback models

  • Freeze-thaw
  • Continuous-time and asynchronous
  • Bayesian quadrature
  • Function networks
  • Exact optimality in simplified problems without dependence

Unexplored toolkit with which to understand decision-making

Thank you!· @avt_im

UAI Tutorial on Geometric Probablistic Models

Available on my website - check it out!

Thank you!· @avt_im

Q. Xie, R. Astudillo, P. Frazier, Z. Scully, and A. Terenin. Cost-aware Bayesian optimization via the Pandora's Box Gittins index. arXiv:2406.20062, 2024.