Goal: minimize unknown function $\phi$ in as few evaluations as possible
Joint work with Qian Xie, Raul Astudillo, Peter Frazier, and Ziv Scully
INFORMS Data Mining Best Paper Finalist
Goal: minimize unknown function $\phi$ in as few evaluations as possible
Optimal choice $x_{t+1}$ and when to stop: intractable dynamic program
Cost-aware baseline: expected improvement per unit cost $$ \begin{aligned} \htmlClass{fragment}{ \alpha_{t}^{\f{EIPC}}(x) } & \htmlClass{fragment}{ = \frac{\f{EI}_{f\given y_1,..,y_t}(x; \max_{1\leq\tau\leq t} y_\tau)}{c(x)} } & \htmlClass{fragment}{ \f{EI}_\psi(x; y) } & \htmlClass{fragment}{ = \E \max(0, \psi(x) - y) } \end{aligned} $$
Invariant to multiplying costs by a scalar: do we want this behavior?
Cost-aware analog of expected improvement:
These are restrictive! But they lead to an interesting, general solution
Theorem (Weitzman, 1979). Let:
Then, for the cost-per-sample problem, the policy defined by maximizing the Gittins index acquisition function $\alpha^\star$ with its associated stopping rule is Bayesian-optimal.
Gittins index $\alpha^\star$: optimal for cost-per-sample problem
Theorem. Assume the expected budget constraint is feasible and active. Then there exists a $\lambda \gt 0$ and a tie-breaking rule such that the policy defined by maximizing the Gittins index acquisition function $\alpha^\star(\.)$, defined using costs $\lambda c(x)$, is Bayesian-optimal.
Proof idea: Lagrangian duality
Our work: extends special case of a result of Aminian et al. (2024) to non-discrete reward distributions
Bayesian optimization: posterior distribution is correlated
Define Pandora's Box Gittins Index acquisition function:
$\alpha^{\f{PBGI}}(x) = g\quad$ where $g$ solves $\quad\f{EI}_{f\given y}(x; g) = c(x)$
Correlations: incorporated into acquisition function via the posterior
Novel acquisition function: Pandora's Box Gittins Index
Performance of Pandora's Box Gittins Index
Gittins Index Theory
Bayesian Optimization: high-dimension and complex feedback models
Q. Xie, R. Astudillo, P. Frazier, Z. Scully, and A. Terenin. Cost-aware Bayesian optimization via the Pandora's Box Gittins index. NeurIPS, 2024. INFORMS Data Mining Best Paper Finalist.